Edward Jenner School
Making Learning Happen


Assessment and Public Examinations
Edward Jenner School is a registered examination and assessment centre for Edexcel, ASDAN and Arts Award. Our small environment allows us to provide students with the best conditions and preparation for success. All students are entered at the appropriate level for them. We assess the need for access arrangements on an individual basis seeking guidance from our Special Educational Needs Coordinator to individual experts and inhouse Educational Psychologists, Rebecca and Sian
from Insight.
The aim of formal assessments in EJS is to facilitate transition to the next stage of education for each individual. We provide expert teaching throughout the school maximising progress and providing a smooth path towards formal qualifications. Our aim is to ensure each young person is ready to complete assessments, that means equipped with the knowledge, skills and understanding but also mentally prepared to face the challenge that formal assessment represents. This preparation is
considered and bespoke, we know that in order to succeed as future learners our young people must be robust and resilient.

Our specific examination entry varies by individual; below is a list of courses being studied within EJS. Students need 5 good qualifications, in order to study Level 3 qualifications at a Post 16 setting those 5 need to include Maths and English at grade 4 or above. Our careers and course guidance and support ensures that young people complete their qualifications at a level that is appropriate for them.
We currently offer:
Edexcel IGCSE’s in Maths, English Language, English Literature, Double Award Science or Biology and/or Chemistry and/or Physics.
Edexcel Functional Skills level 1 and 2 in Maths and English.
ASDAN Level 1 or 2 Personal and Social Effectiveness
ASDAN Short Course: Science, Computing, Foodwise, Animal Care and History
Arts Award Discover, Bronze and Silver Award
LAMDA Solo Acting grades 1-6