Edward Jenner School
Making Learning Happen
As part of providing a safe secure and caring learning environment for children at Edward Jenner School, working with parents takes a high priority. We seek to offer frequent opportunities for parents and carers to come into school and also to make sure we communicate regularly. Rather than waiting until there is a major concern we take a proactive communication approach. We not only make contact to discuss concerns but also to consider ways we can work together to further enhance your children’s
education. We know when school and parents work well together it builds success.
There are a range of opportunities throughout the school year for you to be involved in school life. These include times when we celebrate pupil’s achievements, WOW work events and times when you can come in and do activities with your child. There are also information sessions run by experts to help you as you support your child. Recent topics have included Emotion Coaching and Executive Functioning. We invite parents and carers to get involved with special events such as Global Week and Careers Week.
All this is in addition to online consultations regarding your child’s academic progress and meet, greet and everyday supportive conversations which happen as your child attends school.
Useful links and resources
We are developing a private online learning area where we offer information and resources for parents tailored to current topics or needs. This resource will be accessible during specific times through parent email addresses.
These are general resources we recommend for help and support:
NSPCC - https://www.nspcc.org.uk/keeping-children-safe/online-safety/
TIC+ Counselling for children and families - https://www.ticplus.org.uk/
Young Minds Mental Health Support - https://www.youngminds.org.uk/
Uthinkuknow online safety - https://www.thinkuknow.co.uk/
Gloucestershire digital wellbeing hub - https://swgfl.org.uk/magazine/introducing-our-digital-wellbeing-hub/
Parent Carer Forum (your child does not require a formal diagnosis for you to join) - https://glosparentcarerforum.org.uk/
Family Information Service - there are links to a variety of services and support: https://www.glosfamiliesdirectory.org.uk/kb5/gloucs/glosfamilies/home.page
Parenting Programmes:
Time Out For Parents
Triple P