Edward Jenner School
Making Learning Happen


Special Needs and Learning Support
At Edward Jenner School we abide by the rights of a child. That is that all children have the right to a broad and balanced curriculum regardless of their need. In line with the SEND Code of Practice we believe that all children and young people have the same opportunities as their peers and with that in mind we strive to ensure that any learning needs are identified, catered for and reviewed regularly.
We offer bespoke and tailored individual curriculums in Maths and English that suit age and stage learning. The interventions that we offer support those with gaps in their learning and those that require stretch and challenge. Alongside our team of well trained and knowledgeable staff we also work with a variety of outside professionals who support us in ensuring that young people make progress from their individual starting point.
Children who find the mainstream school environment a challenge will be appreciated and supported at Edward Jenner School so that they can make learning happen.